U will never know..
What I feel is what is inside of me
U have no control over it
I have no control over it
I wanna control it so badly
But I know I will never be able to
The way I feel now..
no way to describe it

I dont want to know any more of the truth
lie to me that u love me
lie that u will be there till end
lie that i will see u every morning when I open my eyes
pls lie
'Coz I want to live in that lie
than in this truth...

What is that scares u?
Where is the love u had?
The confidence, The love and The promises..
Where is all that now?
Even if it was all a lie,
Pls dont tell that to me.
Let me live in this lie..
What difference its gonna make?
I am ready to die to just see that love in ur eyes..
for one more moment in my life.

Am I that insignificant?
Did my love fall short for u?
I want ur love
I want u
I want u more than anything I have ever wanted in my life.
Look at my eyes..
U said that its beautiful
Is it not beautiful any more?
I loved my eyes,
Just coz u loved them.
Dont u see that I want to call u back
Look at my eyes
Dont u see the love, the pain...
Dont u see urself in it?
I am asking u to see urself in my eyes..
till the moment my eyes can remain open..
till that last moment of my life when I leave this world forever and more...

let go of your feeling and pursue your dream dont care whether you win or lose. just play and maybe the one that is scared is just waiting for you to make the 1st move. go girl win your life..win it yourself...
This is a poem! not necessarily MY feelings. Its more imaginative than real! But thanx for the comment.
A writer can write only what he knows..not my words but by one of my favorite authors A.J Cronin. you can only search in your mind which can only generate things based on what you have experienced before
Very true. But you should also know that a writer is one who can feel what is around them as well. It not necessarily be generated from within.
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